Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Emily's 80's party!

I had soooooo much fun at my friend Emily's birthday party. It was all about the eighties! I couldn't believe that I could still get my hair that big! Talk about a blast from the past! We had about 6 signs leading up the hill to her house and each sign was a different year starting from 2007 and ending with the's a few highlights.....notice Emily making the hand sign "I love You" instead of the "Rock On" one...she's so funny!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Special Visit

Anthony's Auntie, Uncle, Grandma and Grandad came thru for a quick visit on their way back home to Compton. Can you believe it that his grandad is turning 87 in January?! Here's a random thought....that shirt looks really dumpy on me-yuck.


Can you say teenager?!

Oceanside 2007


This year's school pix. Aint they just so darn cute?!
No matter how fast I went I just could get them to fall off!

...note to self, never bring a 32 oz. iced tea into a porta potty- a person could slam the door next to you and the tea could spill on your white shorts that would become see through and your husband would laugh at you all afternoon! ...Take the picture already...happy now?!!

After 6 long years of waiting I finally got to go to the Gilroy Garlic festival! Garlic ice cream really isn 't half bad.

This year the girls had a successful season boarding on the lake! They made it up at the same time! YAY!
I guess it's time to join this high-tech century so here's my blog. Thanks to my little big sis, (or "Squirt" as I lovingly refer to her as) I first had to find out what the heck BLOG actually meant!!! Now that I know what this is all about I can keep everyone up to date on life here on the farm. (and by farm I don't actually mean a literal farm-kay?!)