America to play Tatiana's school in basketball. There was a group of girls from a private all girls school and then there was the boys team from another all boys school. We had three of the girls stay with us and we had a blast.....
Here are the Buckingham girls(in white) and the Sacred Heart girls after they played. Tatiana is on the floor on the far right.
We somehow managed to cram all three girls into Meika's room for three days. Originally we were only going to have one girl, then it turned into two. Then somehow at the last minute we had three.
We tried to show them a good time in America and what better way than taking them out ! That's right, we took a whole package of costco's finest and went to town on a rival The girls were so excited and had always wanted to go look at the joy on Bryony's face! They can't wait to go home and get all of their friends. For the nightcap we did a chinese firedrill.
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